Expert Opinion on Paleo

Paleo is a nutrition method that began in the 1970’s. Walter L. Voegtlin advocated for it; he proposed that this diet is important because we shall be eating what our bodies were used to taking. Since then, many experts have taken up the idea and are recruiting more and more people into the idea.

However, sharp contrasts have come up from other specialists. They try to give many other reasons, which show that the theory is wrong. Such arguments include, those that argue out the very basic fact of Paleo. Some arguments say that it is not true that we have developed a pattern of what we can eat through evolution. It says that a man can adapt to anything including what is currently being manufactured.

What I would like to point out is that every person is entitled to an opinion. I am of the view that Paleo helps and I hope that I will not be subjective in my observations. In analyzing the expert’s opinions, we come up with a conclusion that every person is trying to advocate for what they believe in.

Other experts consider that this diet is good for particular people. Because the diet does not reduce on carbohydrates, or proteins, or vitamins, it is considered to be beneficial to people going to the gym. I think that the notion is misguided because the diet involves a lot of reduction of taking fatty oils especially from manufactured or refined products. Junk food introduces many things that are unfavorable to the body and this is avoided. However, exercise is important in everybody, it does not matter what you use as your diet. If you want to have good health, exercise should be a part of the regime.

paleo nutrition

In addition, there have been reviews from several researches done to check proper dieting methods. Paleo has not been favorably ranked although many other experts individually advocate for it. It does not matter who you are; athlete, senior citizen, young, a person going to the gym, or anything that you do, Paleo is good for you.

There are experts for Paleo, and those against Paleo. At the end of the day, it becomes your choice in what you shall choose. I once heard a saying that interested me, ‘you can take a cow to the river, but you cannot force it to drink.’ I do not mean to be rude but I just want to show that Paleo is a river, drink from it.

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