The Logic Behind Paleo Nutrition, Health and Fitness

Walter L. Voetglin, a gastroenterologist, was the first person to suggest that we should take up the Paleo diet. He said that the diet is good to humans just as it was good to our fore fathers. The diet is a mixture of wild fruits, vegetables, and animal bred through natural grazing. The diet also includes fish, eggs, and many other things. It is probably because of Walters’ profession that he came up with this conclusion. A gastroenterologist is someone that deals with the digestive system.

Walter knew what was good for the stomach. Moreover, he wanted people to stay healthy from what they ate. The horizontal dimensions of out body are defined by what we eat. Nevertheless, other experts have come up with many other reasons, which show that we should take up Paleo.

paleo stomach nutrition

It is not a surprise that many experts have come up with this conclusion. The reason is that man had some kind of evolution. Even though you do not believe in evolution, at least you can consider that man had a history in order to get to where he is.

The evolution or history made him who he is. Man has adapted to many things to make him whole. If we consider that the first people to come to this earth were eating a particular type of food, then that is what our bodies must have adopted to.

Fortunately, this foods are still available in the current world. The dodo must have gone extinct, but there are other animals that we can rear and enjoy their meat. The early man ate wild foods by gathering and hunted the wild animals for a meal. He did not have processed foods for lunch but a truly good meal of naturally occurring foods.

Due to this adaptation, the foods mentioned are considered best suited for man. In order to continue justifying our argument, research on cells has shown that they do not die. Cells will multiply or divide. Division is what makes it possible for our human race to continue. New offspring’s are gotten from this division.  You can already see where this argument is going. Therefore, cells through their memory will remember habits of long ago. They will partake what they need. Since, the early man had shown the cells that they should have wild foods for meals, then we should all be taking wild foods.

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