What is Paleo Diet?

To answer this question: have you ever heard of the Paleolithic era. This is the era that man used stones do his work. It is interesting to know that Paleolithic era occurred at the same time as late Stone Age. The difference was that Stone Age is associated with Africa according to archeological findings, while Paleolithic era is associated with Europe. Still, Paleolithic era happened during late Stone Age.

Nevertheless, the people at that Age have got a lot to teach us. Probably, we think that we are good because we are not using stones. We have computers, guns, bulldozers, cranes, ships, aircrafts etc. Name any type of machine and the people of the Paleolithic era would not have dreamed to have. However, there is one thing they had, healthy bodies, which we all hope to attain.

During that period, the people were hunters and gatherers. They hunted for their food with pick axes. I am tempted to mention that, currently, if any one goes hunting, he would not go with anything less than an AK47. However, this people used pick axes! I am not promoting the use of pick axes, but I want to show how brave they were in their hunting.

Moreover, they were very healthy, yet their diet was meat and grains from what they gathered. They did not have any processed food. Though they did not have a choice to their diet, whatever they had, was good for them. So let us do a mathematical equation here.

If what the Paleolithic had equals good for them, (Paleolithic food = good for Paleolithic man), then;

The Paleolithic people are the same as the current man, (Paleolithic man = Modern Man), then;

In conclusion Paleolithic food = Good for modern man.

What is Paleo Diet?

The mathematical equation was simple and it came up with a simple conclusion. It shows that we should look to copy after our ancestors.  They have got a lot to teach us. They lived according to nature and we should emulate them and have our strategies in place. We need to take more of natural foods such as grains, fruits, meat, potatoes etc.

However, what is happening currently? People are taking a lot of processed foods. How many burgers have you taken today not to mention the whole week. Yet the processed oils that are being used to prepare this processed foods is killing you. This is where I advise you, bring the Paleolithic times to your time, have a Paleo diet.

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